List of Czech Academic Titles and their correct spelling

1. 9. 2019 | Study in the Czech Republic

Czech Academic TitlesHaving completed a higher education degree in the Czech Republic, students are granted the right to use academic titles. Use of academic titles in the Czech Republic is typically limited to official and business communication. In common conversations, people are addressed with their title only if they have introduced themselves with it or if one wishes to express high respect.

Here is a list of titles commonly used in the Czech Republic:

Bc.                  Bachelor

                        This title is granted to those who successfully complete a bachelor’s study program. It corresponds to the English title B.Sc.

BcA.              Bachelor of Arts

Ing.               Engineer

This title is granted to graduates of master’s program in the field of economic, technical sciences and technologies, agriculture, forestry and military sciences. The title corresponds to the English title M.A. or M.Sc. in technical fields or Economics.

Ing. arch.   Engineer of Architecture

This title is granted to graduates of master’s program in the field of architecture.

MgA.           Master of Arts

This title is granted to graduates of master’s program in the field of arts.

Mgr.            Master

This title is granted to graduates of master’s program in other fields. It correspondsto the English title MS.

MBA           Master of Business Administration

Ph.D.          Doctor

This title is granted to graduates of doctoral study program

JUDr.         Doctor of Law

Ph.Dr.        Doctor of Philosophy

Th.D.          Doctor of Theology

MUDr.        Doctor of Medicine

                      This title corresponds to the English title M.D. It indicates successful completion of six-year university study in General Medicine.

RNDr.         Doctor of Natural Sciences

MVDr.        Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

MDDr.        Doctor of Dentistry

PharmDr.   Doctor of Pharmacy

DrSc.           Doctor of Science

This is the highest scientific degree in all fields.


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