Prague and Brno considered among top 10 best student cities in the world

26. 9. 2019 | News

Brno winterThe QS Best Student Cities 2019 has placed both Prague and Brno among the most attractive cities in the world to pursue studies in. The two Czech cities finished in the top 10 based on the ‘Student View’ indicator. Brno ranked sixth, Prague eight. The indicator is based on a short survey completed by 87,000 students and recent graduates.

The survey considers several factors; arts and culture, nightlife, affordability employment opportunities, diversity, tolerance and inclusion, ease of getting around, and friendliness. The indicator also takes into account students’ overall opinion of the city including perceptions of employment opportunities after graduation, such as its availability and the quality of the graduate employers.

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, was ranked the 8th best city by students. Apart from its world-famous architecture and beautiful monuments, Prague is also in possession of four top universities, which all feature in the QS World University Rankings, including the oldest university in Central and Eastern Europe – the Charles University.

Prague Castle with cloudy sunset blue sky and Charles Bridge, Czech Republic

The city scored highly in the student mix indicator, climbing seven places this year to 34th, reflecting the increasing diversity in the student population. Another Prague’s strong point were affordability, its cultural offer and its diversity. Students said they enjoyed the „affordability of everything and the fantastic sights”, as well as the city’s “integration of culture and diversity”, meaning that international students can enjoy this incredible city even if they are on a budget.

The Czech Republic’s second-largest city, Brno, climbed three places this year to rank sixth in the student view indicator. The Moravian city is home to 33 faculties and over 89,000 university students. Thanks to its huge student community, Brno boasts the second highest student ratio of all the cities in the rankings. One student commented on Brno’s student diversity: “The exposure you get in this city is awesome – so many different people from different countries come here to study.”

Here are the top 10 best student cities, according to the QS survey:

  1. Munich, Germany
  2. Montreal, Canada
  3. Melbourne, Australia
  4. Berlin, Germany,
  5. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  6. Brno, Czech Republic
  7. Boston, U.S.
  8. Prague, Czech Republic
  9. London, U.K.
  10. New York, U.S.

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