Student Ambassadors: Abdalghafor A. Abdalhameed from Iraq
My name is Abdalghafor A. Abdalhameed, and I am a Ph.D. student at the University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. It is my …
read moreStudent Ambassadors: Haidar Al-Anbagi from Iraq
My name is Haidar Al-Anbagi, a PhD student from Iraq and here is my story. I have a BSc degree with honors from a university in my hometown and ranked …
read moreBeware of predatory journals
Are you a PhD student or a junior scientist? And have you ever heard of predatory journals? If not, read on so that you know how to avoid dangers …
read moreUpcoming conferences in 2021
Even though normal student life is pretty much brought to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, various university conferences are still up and …
read moreAttending university conferences
If you’re considering applying for PhD study programmes, for instance at Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague, you should know that PhD …
read moreApplications are now open for STARS PhD program at Faculty of Science CUNI
The PhD program supporting talented research students from across the world is now open to all applicants who hold a master‘s degree in science, …
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