Student Ambassadors: Orlina from Turkey

10. 11. 2019 | Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors: Orlina from TurkeyI studied at VŠTE, Technical and Economic University, in České Budějovice for 6 months as part of the Erasmus+ programme. The city was quite small and really beautiful. I still miss that place! My major was Business Administration Economy. Erasmus was like a dream for me, I would recommend it to anyone.

I was so happy to be in a different country and the Czech Republic, its culture and the people were really nice to me. Also, I met many friends from varies countries like South Korea, Spain, Poland, Hungary, etc. Overall, the Czech Republic was like another world to me really, I can’t explain it, but I think everyone should go and try this experience.

To everyone considering studying abroad, I want to tell you: if you want to get to know yourself, go there and see the real life, and don’t think that you are alone in this huge world, as you will meet different people from different cultures.

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