
UNYP Turns Greener with a New Partnership

The University of New York in Prague has been contributing to the fight against climate change through various project for many years. This year, UNYP began a new partnership with the Perlego online library platform, which will provide UNYP students and staff unlimited access to digital textbooks and manuals. Furthermore, 800 trees will be planted […]

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11 Tips for First-Year University Students

Starting college is an exciting step in one’s life, but it can definitely be stressful or scary at times, especially if you had decided to study abroad. For those awaiting your freshman year this fall, here are some tips on how to make the most out of your first year at university. Keep these tips […]

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University of South Bohemia ranked the best young university in Czechia

The University of South Bohemia (USB) is modern public university located in České Budějovice in the South Bohemian region. At USB, there are around 9 000 students enrolled at 8 different faculties. USB offers more than 220 programmes at these faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Faculty of Arts, Faculty […]

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Erasmus: Czech universities ready to welcome foreign students despite pandemic

All Czech universities are ready to accept international students for the upcoming semester despite the ongoing pandemic. At the same time, the interest in study abroad within the Erasmus program continues despite the global situation, with only one-tenth of Czech university students cancelling their Erasmus plans. Although the universities in the Czech Republic hope to […]

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Apply now for Fall 2020: Open admissions at Czech universities

Although most admissions for Fall semester in 2020 are already closed, you can still apply to several Degree study programmes at some of the best Czech universities. Read our brief guide on which application deadlines have been extended and find out which majors you can still apply for today. If none of these options sounds […]

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Days of Open Doors at the Metropolitan University Prague

The Metropolitan University Prague invites you to Days of Open Doors. After taking place online in spring due to the global pandemic, prospective students now have a chance to visit the university in person on 2nd and 21st of September. The programme of Days of Open Doors will start at 5 p. m. on both […]

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How to use the public library in Prague

Did you know the Czech Republic has the densest public library network in the world? There are approximately 5,410 public libraries in the Czech Republic with more than 42 branches of Municipal Library of Prague in the capital city. Here’s a simple guide how to become a member of the library and make use of […]

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Last call for applications: Summer Filmmaking Campus at FAMU in Prague

Students, young aspiring professionals or other creative people can apply for the Summer Filmmaking Campus organised by the Film and TV of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. The course starts on July 17th and lasts four weeks. The organizers are looking for open-minded talented young people who are open to the challenges presented […]

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How to find a job as an expat in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic also often referred to as Czechia is the central European expat dreamland. Nearly half a million foreigners have decided to make Czech Republic their second home. According to the Expat Insider guide’s ranking, this year the country has been evaluated as the second-best in the world to work in for foreigners. With […]

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Studying in the Czech Republic under Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the European Commission’s Programme for education, training, youth and sport. The programme offers students and young professionals a chance to study, train, and gain experience abroad. Czech Republic is one of the programme countries, so if you wish to study at one of the Czech universities, you may also come under the Erasmus+ […]

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