Zuzana Clark

Party Food on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is a special day. A special day deserves special food, right? In this article, we’ll have a look at some typical Czech party food people eat on New Year’s Eve. You can find some inspiration for any kind of party. Czech party food follows several principles. The food is easy to make, […]

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Czech Christmas Traditions

Christmas is a magical time when family and friends get together. It’s also a time when people keep to traditions. Even in modern days, they mean a lot to people. Traditions represent something that is repeated every year and something to look forward to. Each family has their own Christmas traditions that are passed on […]

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Making Plans for the Upcoming Year

The year 2023 is coming to an end. Hopefully, it was a successful one. When a year ends, people find it nostalgic. But where something old ends, there is a new beginning at the same time. Do you make plans for the future? Do you prefer to leave things just as they are and wait […]

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Traditional Czech Christmas Food

Vánočka If you are looking for a great, traditional, and tasty way to enjoy your morning around Christmas (and not only limited to Christmas), you should try vánočka. Vánočka makes a perfect breakfast, which will make you smile and provide you with plenty of energy for the day. It’s a type of sweet bread made […]

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Czech Christmas Markets

When the time before Christmas comes, you can go to the Christmas markets. It’s a very nice tradition. Each year people look forward to exploring the colorful offers of the local vendors, having a cup of hot wine, and experiencing the amazing Christmas atmosphere. Christmas markets are a magical place to be. If you go […]

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Saint Nicholas, the Angel, and the Devil

If you walk in the Czech streets on the evening of December 5th, you can meet three characters: Mikuláš (Saint Nicholas), the Angel (Anděl), and the Devil (Čert). You can see many of them. They are here for the children and bring treats for them. This tradition is very popular. Some people also find it […]

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Czech Food with Bizarre Names

People are creative critters who like coming up with all kinds of crazy names. This can be seen when they name food. When we have a closer look at Czech food, there are a lot of things to eat which sound quite bizarre. Here are some examples. Volské oko Volské oko can be translated as […]

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The Benefits of Studying Abroad

Making a decision where to study is undoubtedly a very important step for your future life and career. Studying abroad is a great opportunity to experience great things, gain useful skills, and maybe learn a foreign language on the way. And what is the best choice? Studying in the Czech Republic! Investment Studying abroad is […]

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Cool Museums in the Czech Republic

Autumn weather can be tricky. However, there’s no need to fret over rain, low temperatures, and fog. Thankfully, there are indoor places to go to even when the weather isn’t perfect. One of the places where you can spend a rainy day is a museum. Luckily, there are a lot of museums in the Czech […]

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5 Czech Authors Worth Reading

During chilly autumn evenings, there is nothing like snuggling under a blanket with a good book and a cup of tea or coffee. There are so many books out there. Why not try reading something by a Czech author? Czech literature has a lot of great books to offer. Let’s have a look at some […]

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