
Why start with mindfulness: focus, well-being and better grades

Mindfulness means intentionally paying attention to the present moment. It helps to cope with negative emotions, anxiety, or stress. It also has a positive effect on our concentration. So it is definitely one of the skills worth learning. Mindfulness is not something we learn overnight, but through simple exercises it can be developed and gradually […]

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Making Plans for the Upcoming Year

The year 2023 is coming to an end. Hopefully, it was a successful one. When a year ends, people find it nostalgic. But where something old ends, there is a new beginning at the same time. Do you make plans for the future? Do you prefer to leave things just as they are and wait […]

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Study Psychology and Social Sciences in the Czech Republic

With increasing awareness of mental health issues, there is a growing demand for experts in the psychology field. Modern life can sometimes be stressful. On the one hand, computers and modern technologies enable people to work more efficiently, but on the other hand, they also pose a challenge for many individuals due to everything getting […]

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Three Tips to Fight Procrastination

Every student knows the following situation. You need to complete an important task for school. The problem is that you just can’t make yourself sit down to work. You will start after making a cup of coffee. When you have your cup of coffee, you need to text your friend. Then you come across a […]

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Mental health is Health

Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. Mental health can affect daily life, relationships, and your ability to perform basic tasks. It’s always “Mind over Body”- if one day you wake up depressed and sad in the morning then you choose to stay […]

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How to overcome your study slump

Do you feel unmotivated lately? Too tired? Not feeling like studying today? Well, in some cases it might not be common laziness and procrastination. You might be deep in a study slump! Don’t beat yourself unnecessary, it’s completely normal and happens even to the nerdiest of nerds. Still, you need some way out of it. […]

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Resetting your mindset towards happiness and success

Make yourself happy. Don’t expect others to make you happy. Be the one to think of yourself and keep yourself in a healthier mental space. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Practice positive affirmations: Normally we end up focusing more on the things we don’t have or not good at rather than being happy […]

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The magic of effective negotiation

To get what you want isn’t always easy but there are some proved methods how to achieve your goals even when dealing with a person you’re not on friendly terms with. If you stick to a few pieces of good advice, you can reach an agreement or a compromise successfully. A combination of psychology, good […]

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Mendel University helps with research on the psychological effects of COVID

 The research team from Mendel University in Brno conducted a questionnaire survey „Psychological Stressors and Behavioral Consequences of COVID-19“ in 42 countries and aims to map the factors that can influence people’s well-being and decision-making during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this international cooperation can help state authorities to understand the […]

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Protect your mental health during quarantine

In a situation that would have been unthinkable just months ago, quarantine and social distancing have now become commonplace worldwide as governments make similar efforts to fight the global pandemic. The psychological impact of quarantine can be serious. Therefore, we bring you some important tips on how to look after your wellbeing while staying at […]

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