We have found 12 universities

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

  • Computer Science - Software Systems
  • Computer Science - Theoretical Computer Science
  • Computer Science - Visual Computing and Computer Games

and next 14 programmes

17 programmes

Faculty of Applied Sciences

  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Plasma Physics and Physics of Thin Films
  • Mathematics
4 programmes

Faculty of Economics and Management

  • Informatics
  • Economics and Management
  • System Engineering and Informatics

and next 2 programmes

5 programmes

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Faculty of Science

  • Macromolecular Chemistry
  • Macromolecular Chemistry (DSP II)
  • Modelling of Chemical Properties on Nano- and Biostructures

and next 3 programmes

6 programmes

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Electrical Power Engineering
2 programmes

Faculty of Chemical Technology

  • Chemical and Process Engineering - specialization Chemical Engineering
1 programme

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