We have found 11 universities

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

  • Mathematics - Computational Mathematics
  • Computational mathematics
  • Mathematics - Financial and Insurance Mathematics

and next 40 programmes

43 programmes

Faculty of Science

  • Bioinformatics and computational biology
  • Bioinformatics and computational biology (DSP II)
  • Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

and next 2 programmes

5 programmes

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Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Master in Economics and Finance (MEF)
1 programme

School of Business

  • Preparatory Program
  • Economics and Management (4-year)
2 programmes

Faculty of Science

  • Geographies of Transformations
  • SP Computer Modelling in Science and Technology
2 programmes

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

  • Chemistry and Technology
  • Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering (Master Double Degree)
  • Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
3 programmes

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Faculty of Science

  • Zoology
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
  • Biophysics

and next 10 programmes

13 programmes