Student Ambassadors: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

9. 11. 2021 | Student Ambassadors

USB STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

How did you find out about the Czech Republic?

I just was reading about universities and programs in different countries, to find out my best choice. While on the European continent I found that the Czech Republic offers a great multicultural study experience, bringing together cultures from all over the world. Students appreciate the beautiful, developed cities and the great variety of social life available. Then I decided to contact different professors at different universities there. In one week I got a response from the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The professor (Vice-dean) in charge of international relations full of hospitality showed the willingness to work with me under his Agroecosystems department that he even chairs. He talked about the Doctoral programs they offer and piqued my interest.

USB STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

Why Did you choose Ph.D. in Agroecology?

Moving together to build a healthier world. On top of my B.Sc. In Agronomy from Rwanda (University of Rwanda), MSc. In food security and Agricultural development from South Korea (Kyungpook National University), I wanted to learn something that goes with changing production models to combine economic, social, and environment high performance. My university has a very strong Faculty of Agriculture, and I wanted to study under the best minds in the world. It also offers the specialization I was seeking, and I wanted to fast-track my education. My supervisor was able to give me insight on what all is offered and what to expect in the studies.

USB STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

What were the bests about your Decision?

The experiences I’ve had at the University of Rwanda, Kyungpook National University, and the experience I got during my jobs as well as the analysis of changing world have also shaped my decision to apply for this position. I wanted a role that will allow me to put the things I’ve learned into practice and develop my skills even further. I know that this position would be a good fit for me and I was excited about the possibility of joining the team.

I am very grateful for this decision as it is giving me an opportunity for new connections, friendships, and experiences. The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice helps in all that through its flexible programs and professors, classes, student organizations, projects, and so on creates an environment for us to see things in a wide or global view and increases our network.

USB STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

What was the most difficult?

Of course, challenges are part of our daily life and we have to cope with them. The most challenges are leaving family and being in a foreign country alone, language barrier as most speak Czech and little English yet I speak English and French, luckily I have learned basic words in the Czech language.  As I have lived in different countries on different continents, the transition was and is being less difficult.

What was the biggest difference in comparison with South Korean and Rwandan Universities Systems?

In both countries cited above, universities systems have different advantages and disadvantages. In South Korea, they focus on collaboration and teamwork but the more you get to upper classes like in doctorate you work more individually. In Rwanda, everything is Teamwork and Collaboration. At the University of South Bohemia, almost everything is individual. Sometimes you are collaborating with others in a team when doing practical work or experiments, laboratory work, new methodologies… Shifting through all those carriers and working with different nationalities has been a good and teaching change of pace.

What surprised you the most after you moved in České Budějovice?

Nothing big. Maybe the change of lifestyle in a new environment. The city is quite small and easy to access it’s all things. Public transport is friendly and regular but even sometimes I use a bicycle or go on foot to any place around. With different touristic places and long history, the feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder makes me think about the first day, week, a month here and make the city become like my second home.

USB STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

Did you meet some interesting people?

I have been regularly meeting new students and professors and other personalities that are making great nice memories and friendships. Some people introduced me to others and places that are making my stay pleasant.

What do you plan to do after successful graduation?

After my graduation, I am planning to first work in an enterprise/institution that works on something related to what I have learned for a couple of past years. My long-term carrier goal is to start my consultancy and Research business that would serve on a long-range to fully exploit my knowledge and experience.

USB STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Yves Theoneste Murindangabo from Rwanda

What would you say to those who are still undecided on pursuing their degree here?

Time is now to decide. The early the better. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. The University of South Bohemia does not only offer academics but also wealthy experiences and opportunities. With its bright professors, projects, modern programs addressing today’s world issues, facilities, and equipped laboratories, cafes, restaurants, sports facilities, dormitories, student clubs, career development, beautiful city, opportunities to travel to all European countries and others, the social and academic activities are maximized. After completion of the program, there are different opportunities in different cities to apply what you have learned in different companies/institutions.

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