
Entering the Czech Republic

If you are planning to study in the Czech Republic, you should check all necessary documents required for you to enter the country beforehand. Here is a basic guide of all you need to know before you depart to the country located in the heart of Europe. The Czech Republic is a member of the […]

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National Parks in the Czech Republic

National parks in the Czech Republic are defined as extensive territories where plants, animals and inanimate nature are of an exceptional scientific and educational significance. Currently, there are four national parks in the Czech Republic: Krkonose, Podyji, Sumava, and Bohemian Switzerland. These parks cover 1,52% of the country’s surface area. Let’s take a closer look […]

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List of Czech Academic Titles and their correct spelling

Having completed a higher education degree in the Czech Republic, students are granted the right to use academic titles. Use of academic titles in the Czech Republic is typically limited to official and business communication. In common conversations, people are addressed with their title only if they have introduced themselves with it or if one […]

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Prague Castle & Other Castles and Chateaux in the Czech Republic

Prague Castle made the list of the World’s Most Beautiful Castles published by CNN in August 2019. The “Prague’s imposing citadel” dates to the 9th century and is the most visited site in the country. Once you become one of the 2,444,900 visitors who annually visit the Prague Castle, make sure not to miss the […]

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Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic and the home to the highest number of universities and colleges in the country. With over 1,281,000 residents, thousands of tourists visiting every day and large expat communities, Prague is the cultural, economic and educational center of the country. It is also the seat of the […]

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20 Interesting Facts About the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic attracts tourists and professionals from all over the world who come to visit, live, work or study to this beautiful country. If you are one of them, you probably already know some of the basic information, but have you known that beer is cheaper than water in the Czech Republic? Here are […]

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Best Spa Towns in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, there are several famous spa towns where you can enjoy natural hot springs and a wide variety of wellness procedures. Today, we bring you five tips on where to go when you need to relax, recharge and restart. Karlovy Vary Karlovy Vary is undoubtedly the most famous Czech spa town. It […]

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UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Czech Republic

There are 14 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Czech Republic as of 2019, after two of the sites were added earlier this year. Here is a complete list of them: Historic Centre of Český Krumlov Český Krumlov is a city in the South Bohemia region, situated on the banks of the Vltava river. Its […]

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A Brief History of the Czech Republic

The present-day Czech Republic was first populated by Celts in the 4th century B.C. The Celtic Boii tribe gave the country its Latin name = Boiohaemum (Bohemia). The Celtics were later replaced with the Germanic tribe (around 100 A.D.) and the Slavic peoples (6th century). In 863, the Byzantine Christian missionaries Constantin and Methodius came […]

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Brno is the second largest Czech city, located in the South Moravian region. The city is famous for the medieval Spilberk Castle which dominates the city skyline, Villa Tugendhat, the icon of modernism, and the nearby natural sight Moravian Karst. Brno is the seat of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court. Brno is also […]

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