
Ultimate oral interview guide

Have you been invited to a university admission interview and are wondering how to prepare? Read our tips for university interview success including the most common questions asked at university admission interviews… 1) Review the course information Take a close look at the university’s website and re-read information on the programme you are applying to, […]

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Czech student loans comparison

Studying a university can be financially tough – one must pay rent, food, tuition, textbooks… Although the living costs in the Czech Republic are significantly lower than in most other EU countries, it is still important to think carefully about how to finance your studies and life abroad. The Czech universities charge no tuition fees […]

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Charles University’s ice hockey team wins Battle on Ice

Charles University’s Hockey team (Team UK) triumphed in the highly anticipated Battle on Ice on October 31st, downing the Prague School of Economics‘ team by a score of 4:0 in the final. The Battle on Ice is a unique project ran by student organizations from four major universities from Prague; the other two schools that […]

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Student Ambassadors: Orlina from Turkey

I studied at VŠTE, Technical and Economic University, in České Budějovice for 6 months as part of the Erasmus+ programme. The city was quite small and really beautiful. I still miss that place! My major was Business Administration Economy. Erasmus was like a dream for me, I would recommend it to anyone. I was so […]

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Working during studies

Many students in the Czech Republic study and work at the same time. Although there are some scholarship options for students enrolled at Czech universities, it is rarely possible to live solely from this budget, so it is quite common for students to have a part-time job. International students might find the language barrier a […]

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Studying Demography

Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, gender, employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth and death rates and more. Governments, corporations, and nongovernment organizations use demographics to learn more about a population’s characteristics for several purposes, including policy development and economic market research. Students of demographics will not […]

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Scholarships for international students

Foreign students wishing to study at a Czech university have numerous options how to obtain financial help. Here is a list of the main scholarship opportunities for international students in the Czech Republic that you should consider.  UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS International students have an equal chance to obtain any of the different types of scholarships offered […]

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Admission Interview: What to Wear? Psychology of Color

If you have been invited to a university interview, you’re probably wondering what to wear. Here is a list of do’s and don’ts to help you decide, and a few tips on how psychology of color works! Do’s and don’ts Applicants should aim for office-casual, ideally wearing simple clothing that is slightly formal. When it […]

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7 Ideal Cafés for Studying in Prague

Prague is a home to a growing number of students but also freelancers who are often looking for a cozy place to get work done. If you’re one of them, here are some of our favorite cafés which offer high quality coffee, fast running Wi-Fi and an inspiring environment to bring your laptop, books or […]

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PI seminars at MUNI break down barriers between scientists and students

Every Friday throughout the semester, Masaryk University in Brno hosts seminars which help students find the best research group. The main goal of the Principal Investigator (IP) Seminars is to interconnect all research groups and especially their students. The IP Seminars are held every Friday at 1pm during the entire semester on the school campus. […]

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